European Physical Education Week 18-22 November 2024

18-22 November 2024

European Physical Education Week

Access to Physical Education (PE), Physical Activity and Sports is considered an inalienable right, underscored by significant societal development references. Upholding the significance of eliminating barriers to learning and enhancing access to quality PE education for all, the Berlin Declaration (UNESCO, 2013), the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the Revised European Sports Charter (2021) and the International Charter of PE, physical activity, and sport (UNESCO, 1978, 2015, 2024) endorse the pivotal role of PE and Sport in cultivating citizen competencies filled with decisive and transversal values such as tolerance, non- discrimination, social inclusion, social equity, autonomy, responsibility, and collaboration.

Consequently, all society members, but particularly children and youth, should be provided opportunities to participate in PE lessons, cultivate physical literacy, physical fitness, and fundamental movement skills to embrace healthy and active life. Acknowledging that PE teachers excel academically and socially, students should participate in a diverse array of physical activities designed in varied and adapted environments. This methodology enables them to grasp how to lead an active lifestyle and adeptly transfer diverse skills and competencies across different physical activities and settings.

While school PE serves as a vital tool for promoting physical activity and sport, it alone may not suffice to meet the recommended daily hour of physical activity for all young individuals (WHO, 2022), the fundamental role of the teacher is to be leading agent of lifestyle and as a transmitter of healthy and active habits, through different current and active methodologies. A well-devised policy and a collaborative effort between professional educators in context are essential to boost Quality Physical Education (QPE, 2015).

As an integral component of UNESCO’s new sports initiative “Fit for Life” (Unesco, 2021), QPE is distinguished by its emphasis on frequency, variety, inclusivity, and substantive content centred on peer-led learning and comprehensive skill development, which can enrich educational and employability outcomes. To advance the development of students’ physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills, thereby defining healthy, resilient and socially conscious citizens, QPE is

intricately linked to the depth of learning environments, encompassing a substantial allocation of class time for students and the professional expertise and competencies of PE teachers.

Besides adherence to sports practice and impact on health at all levels, several factors contribute to attaining the recommended moderate or vigorous student activity for at least half of the class period (Rink, Hall, & Williams, 2010):

●  proficient organisation of space, equipment, and student engagement;

●  provision of adequate equipment enabling simultaneous activity for all students;

●  structuring practice opportunities for maximum participation;

●  non-elimination exercises and activities with minimal wait time;

●  organised class structure facilitating learning while students are physically engaged.

In the pursuit of PE objectives, the EPETD working group stresses the significance of aligning political decisions with research recommendations on QPE. To afford students enhanced and superior learning scenarios, it advocates guaranteeing optimal qualification of teaching staff temporal and material resources essential for teaching school PE and fostering professional collaboration to enhance and adapt teacher’s knowledge and competencies to meet the challenges of the 21st century like the Global Goal development. That’s why we propose the implementation in Europe of a European Physical Education Week, to influence the development of Quality Physical Education policies and in defence of the development of inclusive policies for Quality Physical Education (UNESCO, 2021).

EPETD working group

  • CNAPEF – Conselho Nacional de Associações de Profissionais de Educação Física (Portugal)
  • EUPEA – European Physical Education Association (Luxembourg)
  • SNEP – Syndicat National de l’Education Physique (France)
  • Consejo COLEF – Consejo General de Licenciados en Educación Física y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (Spain)
  • C.A.P.D.I & LSM – Confederazione Associazioni Provinciali Diplomati I.S.E.F. e Laureati in Scienze Motorie (Italy)

Main goal: Erasmus+ Project to create the European Physical Education Teacher’s Day
Initial main target: Physical Education Teachers
Stakeholders,accordingtoEUPEA matrix in Advocacy

PE Week Tool kit


Goal: explain in press/social networks/television/radio why Physical Education is important in the educational system of any student.

Online European resource:
EUPEA Madrid Declaration


Goal: tosend a political message on a topic:
Quality Physical Education


Online International resource:
Quality Physical Education (QPE): guidelines for policy


Day3–School Sport

Goal: to promote the importance of School Sport as a complementary curricular activity in the Educational Community


Online European resource:
ESSD-European School Sport Day



Goal: to raise awareness about Physical Education in Europe and in EUPEA.

Online European resource: Visit the EUPEA website and learn about the European reality of Physical Education, as well as the respective Erasmus+Projects, developed within the scope of its matrix.



Day5 -Teacher

Goal: recognize the importance of the decisive role of the Physical Education Teacher

We have joined organisations from different countries in Europe, closely linked to the teaching of Physical Education, to highlight the work of their teaching staff. The COLEF Council is one of the organisations involved in the promotion of the European Physical Education Teachers Day (EPETD), an initiative that started in 2022 as an Erasmus+ Sport-2022 SSCP project.

Now, in 2024, the first edition of EPETD which this year will be commemorated in the countries involved in this initiative during the PE week of 18-22 November 2024.

Online European resource:EPETD Manifesto