Sport and sustainable development objectives in childhood. UNESCO

EUPEA participated in one of the round tables in the framework of the Ministerial Conference : Sport and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in childhood: the societal challenges of an adapted sport practice “.

Organised in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This conference highlighted and analysed the fundamental importance of physical activity and sport in the acquisition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1 of the Agenda 2030 (2) by children and adolescents. The EUPEA participated in the round table WHAT IS OUR COMMON AMBITION FOR EUROPE? What are the levers for action at EU level and perspectives for potential cooperation between Member States to promote the introduction of physical activity and sport that is best adapted to the needs and schedules of children in step with their development? What are the children’s own expectations?

Extrait de la Conférence en français :

Press kit in English:

Replay of the conference :


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