Our publications

Susan MarronFrances MurphyVasiliki Pitsia & Claude Scheuer

This open article reports on Inclusion in Physical Education in primary schools in Europe through the lens of an Erasmus+ partnership in which EUPEA was a partner. The research element, which examined over 1200 teachers’ practices related to inclusion of children with additional needs in primary physical education, found that teachers consider guidance on children’s motor needs and video-based resources particularly useful in supporting them to promote inclusion (Marron, Murphy, Pitsia and Scheuer, 2021). A free online teaching resource resulted in a website  Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education which highlights practices, strategies and resources to support teachers to include all children in primary PE lessons.

Monitoring the quality of physical education: EuPEO

Claude Scheuer, Martin Holzweg, Rose-Marie Repond, Joao Costa et Marcos Onofre

In the past years, the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) investigated the quality of Physical Education (PE) and School Sport (SS) on several occasions from different perspectives, presented and published as the antecedents of the European Physical Education Observatory (EuPEO) funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme. Partners from nine countries, including PE teacher associations and researchpartners, aimed to develop a Europe-wide PE monitoring system by de veloping the EuPEO webpage, a manualfor e xternal assessment (MEA) at Europe-wide and country levels, and a toolkit to prepare and provide internal self-monitoring (TIM) of quality PE and SS at the school level. In general, these two  tools intend to provide a comparative view of QPE through common frameworks,  tools and processes, while including as much as possible culturally sensitive conditions for QPE implementation, analysis, and decision-making. The coredimensions of the EuPEO framework for QPE were primarily established with an explicit reference to the 2015 UNESCO Quality Physical Education Framework.

Monitoring the quality of physical education – PDF : EuPEO, an ongoing Erasmus+ funded project from the European Physical Education Association. Available from here [accessed Jul 05 2021].

Extra-curricular sports in European schools: A descriptive study

Marques, A., Holzweg, M., Scheuer, C., Repond, R.-M., Correia, C., Santo, R. E., & Onofre, M. (2014)

This study aimed to describe sports extracurricular actzvztzes in European schools.

Questionnaires ,were developed and distributed to 20 member national associations of lhe European Physical Education Associatíon.

The questions focused on: whether extracurricular actívities are compulsory or not; if they are free; whether or not they are an extension of the Physical Education program; who is responsible for their organisation; what are the required qualifications for the instructors, and; how they are timetabled throughoul lhe year.

Quality Physical Education: an Overview from the Perspective of PE Teacher Associations

Claude Scheuer, Branislav Antala, Martin Holzweg

In this article, the focus lies on the perspective of several physical education teacher associations in – mainly – Europe on quality physical education. Several guidelines, positions statements and recommendations of these associations have been examined in order to identify their position in relation with different factors impacting quality physical education. This was done simultaneously by differentiating between structural, process and product factors on one side and between factors on the system level, school level and classroom level on the other side.