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32st EUPEA Forum Meeting, Zaragoza / Spain
EUPEA Multiplier Events – November 27th
November 25, 2021 – November 27, 2021 UTC

EUPEA and Consejo-Colef have the pleasure of inviting you to the 32nd EUPEA Forum in Zaragoza (Spain) from Thursday, November 25th to Sunday, November 28th 2021. Due to the current situation in Europe, the 2021 Forum will be held in a hybrid format, bringing together offline participants present in Spain with those EUPEA members participating online from home. Please note that the decision to participate offline is free to any EUPEA member and we are looking forward to welcoming in Zaragoza, those of you that can and want to travel. All other members are welcome to join us via a link, shared with you prior to the meetings.
Forum Meeting Zaragoza 2021
EUPEA Multiplier Events – November 27th
09:00 – 11:00 DIPPE: Disentangling inclusion in Primary Physical Education
The project
The Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education (DIPPE) Erasmus+ project began in January 2019 and draws to a close in the end of 2021. It…
(i) investigated teachers’ practices related to inclusion of children with additional needs (AN) in primary physical education (PE) in order to identify supports that could enhance these practices. Results from an online questionnaire, completed by 1206 teachers, reported that teachers considered guidance on children’s motor needs and video-based resources particularly useful in promoting inclusion;
(ii) reviewed literature and recommended the adoption of the Universal Design Principles in the development of DIPPE teaching resource materials;
(iii) developed an online toolkit highlighting practices, strategies and resources to support teachers to include all children in primary PE lessons;
(iv) designed a resource for teacher educators consisting of a user manual and materials to support planning and implementation of a teacher education seminar;
(v) undertook professional development seminars with a large and still increasing number of teachers and student teachers in different countries since June 2021. The seminar delivery and complimentary materials and resources are regularly evaluated by the participants at the end of the professional development seminars.
The event at the EUPEA Forum
The EUPEA forum will summarise the project and share with the delegates and teachers, both face-to-face and online, the key outcomes from the project and the teaching resources that were developed.
Participants will be enabled to use the developed material and to voluntarily organize related workshops in their own countries while finding at the same time possible solutions for challenging inclusive scenarios in their own working life
14:30 – 16:30 SUGAPAS: Supporting Gamified Physical Activities in & out of Schools
The Problem
European recommendations state that children and adolescents aged 5–18 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily most days of the week (activity that noticeably increases the heart rate and breathing rate). However, the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study of 12.5–17.5-year-olds reported that under one-third of European girls and under two-thirds of boys achieve this (Ruiz JR, et al. 2011). It is estimated that one third of (34%) the adult population is obese, and the number raises to 68% if obese and overweight are combined (Flegal et al., 2010). This is the result of reduced physical activity due to the modern way of living.
Proposed Solution
SUGAPAS, supports the “Europe 2020 strategy” that stresses the need for transforming educational content for instruction and training in a way that engages, motivates and immerses people to develop personal experiences of constructing their learning experiences. SUGAPAS’s approach contributes to this by highlighting the following innovative aspects:
– The introduction and application of training content in schools (and outside of them) for the development of students’ awareness about Physical Activity (PA) in a gamified manner. Thus, SUGAPAS will propose teaching as well as physical training via mobile serious games, and underlying mechanics and dynamics (i.e. goals, challenges, levels, progress bars, scoring mechanisms, dialogues, avatars for coaching / mentoring about how to be more active in everyday life, to fulfil the international guidelines of PA for health, train in a specific sport). SUGAPAS designs, develops and implements two serious game for (i) PA; (ii) nutrition habits & healthy lifestyle. All games will encompass rules, goals and free-play for young people to be trained on how to conceptualize abstract theoretical aspects of physical activity added value, good nutrition habits, healthy lifestyle and sports.
– The exploitation of school-oriented, safe and online communities focused on better health and adopting physical activity. SUGAPAS will build its community of practice as a European School Physical Activity Community for students and teachers, in order to achieve as much impact as possible.
16:30 – 17:00 Be Like an Athlete (Consejo-Colef)
Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well as support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes
Be like an Athlete Mission Statement
Draw a transnational socio-psychological profile of student-athletes involved in dual careers programmes. This profile will be used to promote the positive development of youth in sports and school contexts, through the implementation of digital, interactive and pedagogical tools.
Be Like an Athlete – BLA aims the personal development of young people, through the optimization of psychosocial skills. The project will outline a transnational socio-psychological profile of student-athletes involved in dual careers programmes. This profile will be used to promote the positive development of youth in sports and school, through the implementation of digital, interactive and educational tools. Direct participants are student-athletes from 12 to 18 years old involved in dual careers programmes, as well as non-athlete students. Awareness of the psychosocial skills developed by student-athletes with a dual career will allow these young people to enhance their own profile, as well as allow other student-athletes (not involved in dual careers programmes) and non-athlete students, to adjust, monitor and share the acquisition of such competences, under the supervision of their coaches and teachers