Over the past decade several international organizations have formulated a professional stand regarding teaching Quality Physical Education (QPE).

One of the key intersections of these positions is the need for a research-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum. In an Erasmus + project implemented by the Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF), the aim of six partners including the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) was to develop a European Framework of Quality Physical Education in Europe (EFQPE).

As an antecedent to the content development, the education systems, core curricula, features of Physical Education, as well as European and national qualification frameworks of all partner countries (Hungary, Slovenia, Germany, Luxemburg, Greece, Lithuania) were reviewed. In the course of the meta-analysis, similarities and differences were identified, along which begun the content development in alignment with the European Qualification Framework (EQF).

The framework covers the knowledge, skills, competencies (autonomy and responsibility) and attitudes regarding the first 4 levels of the EQF, which are crucial for the development of physical literacy, being the main objective of Physical Education. The four levels were supplemented by a level 0 that includes the learning outcomes of pre-school children entering school. The system identifies the minimum requirements in the matter of five learning areas (standards) at all levels. The five learning areas are as follows: (1) movement literacy, (2) health-enhancing physical activity, (3) health consciousness beyond physical activity, (4) self-awareness and self-management, (5) problem solving and constructive thinking.

Our framework provides a current, comprehensive opportunity for content development related to the National Core Curriculums in Europe.

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