Avelino Azevedo, from Portugal, is the new interim President of EUPEA, replacing Petr Vlček, who has recently stepped down from this position, due to personal reasons.
At a recent EUPEA Executive Committee meeting, it was also endorsed that the new positions in the EUPEA Executive Committee would be reallocated and all these recommendations will be ratified at the next EUPEA Board meeting, early March in Luxembourg, as follows:
President: Avelino Azevedo (Portugal)
Vice President: Bruno Cremonesi (France)
General Secretary: Garret Coyle (Ireland)
The other members maintained their positions:
Project Adviser/Scientific: Claude Scheuer (Luxembourg)
Additional Executive Committee member (Treasurer): Lucas Janemalm (Sweden)
Additional Executive Committee member (South East Representative in the Board): Biljana Popeska (North-Macedonia)
These members, along with the rest of the EUPEA Board, will continue to “promote and defend Physical Education as an important educational area within the school system and the training of young people”, as there is mentioned in EUPEA general vision, with the all known slogan: “No Education without Physical Education”