In Italy qualified Physical Education Teacher in Primary schools starting from next year! Now it is necessary to work on recruiting and training.

The decree was strongly supported by the Undersecretary of Sport Vezzali, many times foilswoman Olimpic Champion.

There are already 2,247 Physical Education Teachers who will enter primary school starting from September 2022. They will first enter in the fifth grade classes then, in 2023-2024 it will be the turn of the fourth grade and so on. In this first year the classes involved will be 24693.

  Physical Education in primary is a subject provided for by the legal system with 2 hours its teaching has been always taught by generalist teachers. During the years generalist teacher were often supported by sport experts through short term afternoon projects.

The budget law at the end of 2021 predicted the publication of the selection data for the qualified Physical Education teachers in two months but the times have lengthened and it is clear that it will not be done in time for September. The Ministry of Education will therefore intervene using the provincial rankings of precarious teachers to cover the needs.

This long desired reform was now necessary because the spread of motor activity and sports practice in the age group 6-11 years has been hit very hard by the pandemic. Based on various statistics, it is estimated that one in two children has stopped moving.

The new generation of Physical Education Primary Teachers who will enter the school has a great goal to pursue: to promote an active, sporty and healthy lifestyle intervening on a very important age for motor development.

Viviana Zito, Capdi & LSM

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